Tuesday, March 17, 2009

PEmbayAran perTama dari CIAO ( Payment Proof Ciao )

Dag...Dig..Dug... begitulah bunyinya he...3x, setelah kemaren di buat khawatir sama CiAO akhirnya pembayaran pertama ane sudah di terima kemarin tepatnya jam 18.30an ...wuih lega benar rasanya setelah mengetahui bahwa Ciao memang merupakan program yang membayar membernya.. saking suenengnya gw buat posting hari ini.. berikut ini bukti pembayaran dari CiAO
Sebenarnya dalam main Ciao Ini gampang - gampang susah di bilang mudah gak begitu mudah di bilang sulit juga ngak.. kita cuma buat review atau tulisan tentang suatu produk yang nantinya bila tulisan kita itu di rating teman ataupun di beri komentar kita mendapat bayaran, bahkan bila kita memberi rating atau koment ( 0.01 $ sampai 0.03 $ ) , kecil seeh memang tapi klo kita rajin bikin review dan rajin bikin koment gw yakin 50$ sebulan bukan hal yang gak mungkin ya kan???.

Bulan february emang merupakan bulan coba-coba, dan gw akuin gw masih terbilang newbie dalam hal ini.. karena gw mo coba dan berdasarkan refrensi teman akhirnya gw kecemplung disini..he..3x dan kayaknya gw bakalan susah untuk terlepas dari Ciao ( kayak pecandu aja...tapi postif loh...). bulan ini pendapatan gw emang kecil tapi bulan depan target 60$-70$ doain aj ya??
neh screen shot dari pendapatan gw bulan maret 2009 ini..disamping terlihat $42 total earning dari ciao gw. sebenarnya setelah gw banyak ambil pengalaman dari temen-temen gw banyak account dari mereka yang di banned atau di cekal oleh Ciao tanpa alasan yang jelas. tapi setelah gw survey gw punya alasan tersendiri kenapa Ciao dari mereka dicekal. dan setelah di pikir-pikir maen ciao juga gak asal maen aj tapi ada strategi khusus dan strategi itu bisa gw sharing ke elo2 yang masih butuh penghasilan tambahan asal kalian daftar di bawah refferal gw, jgan lupa koment dan PM gw di anggono82@yahoo.com nanti gw jabarin dan bongkar semua rahasianya dari ciao dan bagi yang masih newbie juga bisa yang penting daftar di reffreal ane itung-itung bales jasa hee...3x. ok??
ayoo...buruan daftar disini ...

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Complete With the Shopwiki Revolutionizes

Affairs for the shopping needs for the needs we will never be satisfied. especially in the era of the more advanced, the ease of shopping online in the interest in, that after I subscribe to the shopping shopwiki feels very easy and also that the goods provided by shopwiki very diverse, so that we can buy anything from this site
Electronic tool also sold a lot here, either in the form of small things accessories or any electronic equipment for your needs.

When I want to buy an I-pod, along with other supporting accessories such as speakers and I-pod supporting other.
At here I can only choose all types of I-pod that I want very variety.dan and equipment from the I-pod is complete. shopwiki thank you, because shopwiki understand what I needed.a very clever and very simple shoping place. you find something? shopwiki to come you will find what you are looking for. trus me
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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sauna? why not

Steam bath or sauna has many be shot, by the people of the world, in addition to very healthy, sauna can be trusted to reduce excess body weight.
Many tools to create sufficient demand in the world community. but not all tools effectively. why?
because the process of burning most of the resulting tool is only to make the pore open-pore and remove the dirt with sweat so much that the rest of the metabolism is reduced, but only a little body fat and reduce disease.
sauna equipment to search for more than a useful tool before, I try to find it through the media internet.ada some tools that are very different and have a more benefits in comparison with others, there are methods that I met a new method that is far infrared saunas and infrared saunas. may be a bit strange in our ears.

after I reading and learned that the system is the tool to use infra red which is very useful for maximizing the performance and functionality of the device. indeed very interesting to try. you try to visit http://www.eastcoastsaunas.com quote given is very useful for us.
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